Friday, October 30, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Emily-ism #6
Daddy: "But, we'd have to go to Hawaii for that."
Em: "Yeah, I know."
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Feeling My Age
*I've never been one for traditional birthday cake, at least not since I was a kid. Recent years have included such celebratory confections as brownies, cheesecake, molten chocolate cake, apple crisp and sticky buns, among others. Mmmm...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
First Day of School
Today was Jared's first day of Kindergarten. He was practically bouncing off the walls this morning as we were getting ready. I haven't seen him this excited since the morning we went in to have Natalie. Or, maybe the time that Aaron bought Lego Batman for the Wii....Anyway, here are the photos:
And to cap off an exciting day, a little school bus cake for dessert (or, rather, "school jeep"'s the thought that counts right?).
We're so proud of you, Jared!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Snap, Crackle, Puke
After all, it has been "improved to include antioxidants and nutrients that [my] family needs to help [us] stay healthy."
And it's true! I read the ingredient list. They're in there all right. Right after the rice, sugar, cocoa, semisweet chocolate, partially hydrogenated veg. oil, salt, malt flavoring, calcium carbonate, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial flavoring.
Next time, I'm going straight for the Cocoa Krispies.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Buggy Eyed
So. Yesterday, we took the kids up to Encinitas to visit the Insect and Garden Festival held at the Quail Botanical Gardens. For a family of wildlife lovers - including the creepy-crawlies - it was a fabulous day! Check it out:
Actually, before I get to the pictures I need to preface this by saying 1) I realized putting this together that I kind of dominate most of the photos - sorry (unless you can't get enough of me, in which case it's your lucky day) and 2) I realize that a number of my readers may find these images somewhat disturbing, so view at your own risk. Entomophobes: you have been warned.
OK. Now check it out:
The kids each got to plant their own little desert shrub to take home. Cute.
They also enjoyed a variety of bug-themed crafts:
And of course, lots and lots of little critters:
Yes, that is a roach crawling on my hand - a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach to be exact. Living in an aquarium tank, on a strict diet of fruits and veggies, I have no problem with them. Running across my kitchen floors: ew, ew, EW!!
Don't you love how Jared's expression is exactly alike in these two photos? For a split second I thought I'd uploaded the same photo twice.
Spiders and scorpions are Jared's favorites. Emily likes lollipops.

The walking stick:
And giant millipede. I heard someone describe it as a hairbrush walking on your arm. Very accurate observation. Also, check out the Barn Owl and Red Tailed Hawk perched in the background.
Don't let her fool you. She was having the time of her life.

And what would a festival be without food? In this case: meal worms, seasoned, or plain. I went with the Polish, though I was the only one of us brave enough to try. I think Natalie would have joined me had I given her the chance.
Instead, she (and the others) opted for fresh peaches in the picnic area.

Fun, fun day!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Stay Tuned, Folks
In the mean time, you may be interested to know that Jared has recently ranked the members of our family in order of intelligence:
Most intelligent: Jared
2nd: Daddy, because he can draw better than Mommy.
3rd: Mommy
4th: Definitely Emily
5th: Nats, because she is a baby.
Alas, I have not fared as well as I had hoped. Back to the drawing board, I guess (ha...ha...).
Monday, April 20, 2009
J: Emmy, are you taking your baby to the tide pools?
E: No, to the hospital.
J: Is she going to get a TV test, or a shot?
E: No, she has a cavity.
J: Emmy, you don't take a baby to the hospital for a cavity, you go to the dentist. [Suddenly turning.] Mom, why do we call the place the dentist and the man the dentist?
E: [Handing the doll to Mommy]. Here Mom, the baby needs you.
The End
Friday, March 27, 2009
There's One In Every Family
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Jaredism #9
Monday, March 16, 2009
Emilyism #5
Jaredism #8

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Better Late Than Never
Don't worry though; it isn't a total loss. Instead of the full update, I give you our holiday highlights. So, however late, Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and with a little luck, I'll be back to blogging with more regularity soon!
Also, Happy Birthday to Jared, who turned 5 on Christmas Day! I love this little man!
One more of the cake, because I'm so darn happy with how it turned out. To clarify for any non-gamers, it is Sonic the Hedgehog, Jared's favorite video game character.
The Clarks