Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Am I the only person in the world that would rather make her own birthday dinner and dessert instead of having someone else do it for her?


)en said...

Michelle, is it today?!? ALL day long i've been like "October 10th...octooober HAS to be someone's birthday.. whose?" wow, mystery solved!

You might be the only one. :) That's fun though.


Brooke said...

Yes, let me echo the b-day sentiments...Happy Birthday, MA! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes only you can make it good! I was wondering what October 10th was also! I was like.....'the 9th is Shantelle Parker's birthday....random I remember that.'

Happy Birthday! I'm glad to know why the 10th stuck out! I remember picking you up at the airport on your birthday a good...7 or 8 years back. :)

)en said...

we are so old.

Michelle said...

Thanks you guys! We are old, aren't we? I'm going to my high school reunion this weekend. Weird.

By the way, my individual molten chocolate cakes were delightful. I owe is all to Martha. She's been an inspiration since she became a part of the cookie jar so many years ago (speaking of college memories).

Shelly said...

Happy Birthday, Michelle! Yes, you are the only one in the world that would rather make it yourself. But everything you make is exquisite so I know it was wonderful. I hope you had a fantastic day!

Steph Kjelstrom said...

Happy Birthday!! make your own dessert and dinner? are you crazy? the one day you should be pampered-other than Mother's Day. Glad it turned out yummy though.

Kar said...

Um, yeah, you ARE the only woman in the world that would want to make her own birthday dinner and dessert!! I didn't know when your birthday was, but I'm putting you on my calendar so I can send you a card next year!!

Cynthia Johnson said...

To answer your question...yes! :)